Chair 3/4 : an unconventional idea of seating

My intention was to break existing rules and standards.
— Sandro Lominashvil
Chair 3/4. image courtesy from Sandro Lominashvil

Chair 3/4. image courtesy from Sandro Lominashvil

Chair 3/4 is a designed object from Georgia-based product designer, Sandro Lominashvil. Using the square sectioned steel tubes to create a wrenched-like chair.

Chair 3/4. image courtesy from Sandro Lominashvil

Chair 3/4. image courtesy from Sandro Lominashvil

By the disjointed leg, the seat seam to be floated. At first sight, it might look unstable due to the disconnected outline, but it is not. The well-balanced structure gives the strength and comfort while seated.

"Like with almost any other project, the idea for the chair came during sketching. With this project, my intention was to break existing rules and standards." Said Sandro.

Chair 3/4. image courtesy from Sandro Lominashvil

Chair 3/4. image courtesy from Sandro Lominashvil

Chair 3/4 was presented in the Designjunction of Ventura London during London Design Festival as well as in the Ventura Project of Milan Design Week 2015.

Niche Chathong
A Multi-disclipline Designer and Social network communication strategist who have an eagle-eye for living trends.

All the World’s Futures: all perspective of art


Nightmare: an investigation into perception of self and surrounding